
Certified CPR & First Aid Training

Roll for Initiative

We are all equipped with Life Saving devices. Are you ready to learn how to use them?

Reach out here to get certified in CPR and First Aid!

We believe the best gift a company can give to their employees is learning to save a life. There is nothing more valuable than our employees and their families.  

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Cleric emergency training

Certified CPR and First Aid Training

Learn how to confidently do CPR and First Aid, and how to triage effectively in emergency situations!

Booking a Class

On our home page you can reach out to schedule a class for you or your company. You can also email:

Training Course

On the day of your class be ready to learn. This could be the class that teaches you to save a life.


All students will receive full certification upon completion of the course. 

Cleric Emergency Training

About Us

Certified CPR & First Aid Instructors

Our company's mission is to help others to confidently save lives with the training we provide. 

Cleric emergency training


We offer a variety of service packages to fit the needs of everyone.


  • AED Training

  • CPR Training

  • First Aid Training

  • Blood Borne Pathogens Training

More Information 

$65.00-$95.00 Each

  • AED Training

  • CPR Training

  • First Aid Training

  • Blood Borne Pathogens Training

More Information 


  • AED Training

  • CPR Training

  • First Aid Training

  • Blood Borne Pathogens Training

More Information 
Cleric Emergency Training


Please check here for our availability. 

Cleric Emergency Training

The greatest gift is saving a life.

Please reach out above to check for availability and pricing for you or your company.

You can also reach out directly to:

AED Training

Learn to use a life saving device and effective delegation. 

CPR Training

Learn how to confidently preform a life saving technique.

First Aid Training

Learn how to use tools and treat in emergency situations!.

Blood Borne Pathogens Training 

Learn how to properly protect yourself and others from unseen threats.

Cleric Emergency Training

Certified CPR & Fist Aid Training

You'll always roll a nat 20 death save when your trained.
Cleric Emergency Training


Testimonials from our clients.
Palmer Moving and Storage
"Our instructor made sure our employees were well prepared for any situation." - Ben, Safety & Compliance Manager
"Review" - Name, Title
"Review" - Name, Title
"Review" - Name, Title

Cleric Emergency Training

We believe in being as prepared as possible. These courses will not only teach you how to use life saving techniques, but teach you what to look for and when to use them!